Arturo Evangelista, MD, FESC
Vall D´Hebron Research Institute
Barcelona, Spain
Arturo Evangelista is the co-coordinator of the research department at Vall D´Hebron Research Institute in Barcelona, Spain. At the Hospital Universitari Vall d´Hebron in Barcelona, Dr Evangelista is head of the imaging department of servicio de cardiologia (echocardiography, MRI, CT/PET) (2006 to present), and director of the aortic diseases unit and family heart diseases unit. He has worked at the servicio de cardiologia since 1988, and was also director of the marfan unit from 2008 to 2016.
Dr Evangelista completed his licenciature in medicine at the Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona, Barcelona in 1977, and became a specialist in cardiology in 1982. He completed his Doctor of Medicine at the Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona in 1992, and was awarded Professor Honoris Causae by the Universidad de Cordoba, Argentina in 2011.
Dr Evangelista has been a fellow of the Spanish Society of Cardiology (SEC) since 1996 and is the current SEC vice-president (2015 to 2020). He was president of the SEC Working Group of Echocardiography (1997 to 2000), president of the SEC Working Group of Aortic Diseases (2003 to 2007), Coordinator of Programme 3 (Valvular Heart Diseases and Aortic Diseases) Red de Investigación Cooperativa of the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (RIC), Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo de España (2007 to 2016), and board member for both the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) Working Group on Valvular Heart Disease (2014 to 2017) and ESC Working Group of Aortic Diseases (2014 to 2018).
He has published 260 articles in journals, including: 2 New England Journal of Medicine (first author), 1 Journal of the American Medical Association, 15 Circulation (first author in 3 and senior in 2), 10 Journal of the American College of Cardiology (first author in 4 and senior in 1), 7 European Heart Journal (first author in 3), 7 Heart (first or senior). Dr Evangelista is co-author of 4 ESC guidelines and 8 recommendations of the European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging (EACVI) and American Society of Echocardiography (ASE). He also has 920 communications in national and international congresses. In addition, Dr Evangelista is an editorial board member for 5 international journals with 30 IF quartile, and editor of 7 books, 38 book chapters and 9 CD roms.